Having an Air-Drop Table is an amazing benefit for a practitioner.    It is quicker, easier on the Chiropractor and will pay for itself in saving time and putting less stress on your body.

It decreases adjusting times by speeding up table loading times.  This reduces the physical stress of manually loading a table for each client.  Ultimately you can see more patients per shift which allows you to see a higher volume for many years into the future.

An Air-Drop does add a layer of complexity to your practice, which I will go over.

Unless you are seeing 200+ client visits a week an Air-Drop Table may be a want and not a need.  An air-Drop Table will also suit an older practitioner decreasing their physical workload.  This should also be a consideration for any young chiropractor as your body is your toolbox.

The great thing about Omni Tables Australia, you can add the Air-Drop function to our Total Drop tables at any time as our tables are modular.

It is important to understand the Omni Air-Drop table uses a compressor to load the table, where the Stationary or Elevation Total Drop tables are loaded by your lower limb.

Hand Loading compared to Foot loading.

Even if you are a low volume practitioner, never get a hand loading table!  You may damage your wrist, elbow, shoulder or all 3.  I have personally learnt this lesson which stopped me practicing for a while. At higher volumes the repeated hand loading will cause damage to your upper limb which is not designed for this repetitive movement.  Your lower limb is much stronger and can more easily load a table as it is similar movement to stepping up a stair. Do not get into the habit of loading a table sideways kick or movement with your foot.  Always alternating your feet when loading a table or you will end up with one massive achilles tendon and an imbalance in you body.

Around the 200 patients a week the Air-Drop tables will pay for themselves and take care of you, this saves time and money.  The Air-Drop tables are much quicker and easier to load.  The Air-Drop will cost more initially but the saving to your health and time makes it a great investment.  If funds are at a premium, consider our Stationary or Elevation Total Drop tables.  Take note, sometimes it is always easier and cheaper to buy the table as to where you want to end up.

Air Compressor

Other factors to consider is you must buy an air compressor to run Air-Drop tables.  One compressor can run up to 4 tables simultaneously so you can amortise the compressor cost over the number of tables you buy.  If you are only purchasing one table this is an added cost therefore, I recommend buying 2 or more Air-Drop tables then the added cost of the compressor makes sense.

The Compressor and your power supply are the two added variables.  With an electric compressor if you lose power or your compressor, you lose the ability to adjust. This must be considered when purchasing Air-Drop tables. Some practitioners will go as far as buying a generator, and a spare compressor.  A cheap compressor may get you out of a pinch, but they usually make enough noise to wake the dead, so be wary of them.  If you lose power, then it is unlikely you will continue adjusting in the dark without computers or lights.   Some practitioners are in areas where power interruptions are frequent, so a generator makes sense.   I am not trying to frighten you just ensuring you aware of all the issues before purchasing an Air-Drop Table.

Always have your compressors serviced annually or whenever the oil in the view window appears dark or discoloured.  It is advisable to drain your compressor weekly and check the oil levels to ensure they are adequate.

Please call 0418 889 993 or email help@omnitables.com.au any questions you may have.

Peter Hobson

I have 30 years’ experience as the Principal Chiropractor in my multiple clinics throughout Southeast Queensland for over 30 years. 

We have been manufacturing the range of Omni Tables Australia on the Gold Coast Australia since 2012.  We are continuously improving and adding to our range of tables which includes our new Automatic Flexion-Distraction table. We ship our Tables internationally which include the UK, Ireland, Europe, India, Southeast Asia and New Zealand, plus all states of Australia.

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