No matter what technique you use in your clinic, exactly what chiropractic table is best for your technique amongst the Omni Total Drop Table range.
The full drop piece range of chiro tables with Omni Tables Australia include:
• Omni Total Drop Stationary Table
• Omni Total Drop Elevation Table
• Omni Air Drop Stationary Chiropractic Table
• Omni Air Drop Elevation Chiropractic Table
Omni tables are the table of choice for CBP (Chiropractic Bio-Physics); CBP is one of the most researched forms of chiropractic therapy and recommends the Omni Table as the preferred table for this technique. The Omni Total Drop table is used throughout the training facility in Eagle, Idaho .
The Omni Total Drop table accommodates a range of chiropractic techniques. It is the preferred table for many busy practitioners where durability and low maintenance are a necessity.
The Omni Total Drop table range is also adaptable to Diversified, or Thompson table chiropractic technique. Many SOT and activator practitioners also find the Omni tables extremely useful in their procedures and adjusting techniques.
For a practitioner who wishes to do extremity adjusting, the head piece works beautifully for the foot and arm. The drop mechanisms are also beneficial for all other components of extremity adjusting.
It’s a versatile table that will suit a range of all practitioner heights and sizes. From the removable thoracic section for adjusting children or small adults which allows a practitioner to utilise the lumbar and pelvis drop sections. The extendable leg section will accommodate patients of all heights and makes it easy to do length and leg checks. NOTE- the leg section of the table can be raised for pelvic shifts (CBP) or leg length checks so the practitioner does not have to bend.
Because of the weight of the table, it is rock solid and will not move even when adjusting the heaviest of clients with your side lying adjustments. It is rated as the highest weight drop mechanism. This table can drop a client that weighs up to the 200 kilogram, which no other table in the marketplace even comes close to, with most maxing out at 110kg.
So for durability, reliability, maintenance free operation and safety nothing surpasses the Omni Chiro Table range.